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Once the company is formed, continuous Govt Liaison services are required. BBMS continues to assist their companies PRO requirements by being their registered corporate PRO service provider. This means that BBMS can operate as the new company’s registered service provider for PRO services where they represent your company in a Legal manner.

BBMS supports your organization through every step with the help of a dedicated support team that will assist you at every step of the process. Some of these activities include:

1.Company Renewal process’ (e.g. renewal of CR,TL and EC Licenses)

2.Establishment ID and Labour Quota


4.Vehicle Registrations

5.MOFA attestation

6.Employee Process’ including:

•Work visa

•Work Permits/Labour Card


•Family Visa

•Leave Notifications

•Transfer of Sponsorships

•Health Cards

•Driver’s License

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